Online surveillance thrives when fear takes over
European law-enforcement agencies have been pushing to end encryption and survey everyone’s online communications.
European law-enforcement agencies have been pushing to end encryption and survey everyone’s online communications.
Court ruled that Bulgaria violates the European Convention of Human Rights when it comes to secret surveillance and accessing of communication data.
Privacy groups sounded alarms about the coin-sized location-tracking devices when they were introduced. Now people are concerned those fears are being realized.
The new study throws doubt on the claim that if a user says ‘no’ to tracking/behavioral ads via the IAB’s TCF, the adtech industry respectfully falls into line.
Facebook is notifying nearly 50,000 users in more than 100 countries that they may have been targets of hacking attempts by private surveillance companies working for government agencies
Excessive surveillance is having profoundly negative effects on the workforce.
The privacy-focused tech company’s latest update promises to block invasive data collection across your whole phone.
Records show LA police trialed social media surveillance tech from Voyager Labs, which claims its software can predict crimes and help monitor private messages.
Voyeurs. Sabotaged accounts. Backdoor schemes. For years, the retail giant has handled your information less carefully than it handles your packages.
Campaigners sought to sue for £3bn damages on behalf of millions of iPhone users in England and Wales.
Such organizations often deal in sensitive issues—and many are feeding data about website visitors to corporations
Email-based universal IDs may improve upon the cookie in some ways, but relying upon the email address can introduce privacy concerns.