Guidelines aim at giving guidance on how to apply the GDPR in relation to processing personal data through video devices.
The standard processor agreement has been adopted by the Danish SA pursuant to art. 28(8) GDPR and aims at helping organisations to meet the requirements of art. 28 (3) and (4), given the fact that the contract between controller and processor cannot just restate the provisions of the GDPR but should further specify them, e.g. with regard to the assistance provided by the processor to the controller.
Guidelines establish requirements for credit institutions, investment firms and payment service providers (PSPs) on the mitigation and management of their information and communication technology (ICT) and security risks and aim to ensure a consistent and robust approach across the Single market.
These Guidelines are intended to help with the assessment of compliance of proposed measures with EU law on data protection.
The Guidelines aim to provide guidance on the grounds for submitting a request for the right to be forgottenand the exceptions to the right to be forgotten in regards of search engines.
The aim of this guidance is primarily to assist controllers in identifying the correct legal basis for any processing of personal data.
EIOPA issues these Guidelines addressed to the supervisory authorities to provide guidance on how insurance and reinsurance undertakings should apply […]
In its assessment of existing liability regimes in the wake of emerging digital technologies, the New Technologies Formation of the […]
The EDPS considers that respect for personal data is wholly compatible with responsible research. Data protection is intended to serve […]
The primary purpose of this document is to provide manufacturers with guidance on how to fulfil all the relevant essential requirements of cybersecurity.
Norwegian data protection authority – Datatilsynet – has published a guidance on Software development with Data Protection by Design and by Default.