A report from the Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group on the feasibility of using genetic genealogy resources for the identification of suspects in criminal cases in the UK.
Guidelines aim to provide further guidance on data protection aspects in the context of the PSD2 (Second Payment Services Directive).
Guidance aims to help government agencies to develop a clearer understanding of the digital ID system’s technology.
The aim of guidelines is to provide practical guidance and to help with procedures and rules involved in submission, approval and publication of codes.
The main aim of these guidelines is therefore to clarify the roles and responsibilities among the social media provider and the targeter.
This document seeks to provide guidance on the concepts of controller and processor based on the GDPR’s rules on definitions […]
This document from Spain’s data protection authority Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) looks into notion of Data protection […]
Ad-free and straightforward tool to check SSL certificate data. It allows you to check your SSL certificate quickly and easily. […]
This paper we examines Notice & Consent and what are alternatives.
This guidance helps mitigate the risks arising from a data protection perspective, explaining how data protection principles apply to AI projects.