This research paper addresses the challenges of age assurance in data protection, emphasizing the need for compliance with GDPR while ensuring child safety
The Dutch DPA’s latest report highlights the urgent need for vigilant AI risk management and transparent practices to maintain public trust and democratic oversight in the Netherlands.
The EDPB’s FAQ guide on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework outlines key principles, individual rights, and redress mechanisms to ensure GDPR-compliant data transfers.
This guide constitutes a methodology, a checklist, which identifies various elements to be considered when carrying out a TIA.
The objective of this guide is to support organisations in the implementation of security measures in order to ensure the protection ofpersonal data that they treat.
These guidelines provide guidance on the application of Article 37 LED, in particular on the legal standard for appropriate safeguards to be applied by competent authorities.
This document lists ten of these misunderstandings, explains the facts and provides references for further reading.
Paper examines current developments and challenges in the area of recruiting and shows how important it is to comply with data protection regulations.
The publication discusses how Franz Kafka’s works highlight the powerlessness and vulnerability of individuals, paralleling modern privacy issues.