These Guidelines cover uses of facial recognition technologies, including live facial recognition
technologies and provide a set of reference measures entities using facial recognition technologies should follow.
ENISA’s study takes a methodological approach at mapping the key players and threats in AI.
This study examines the feasibility and potential elements of a legal framework for the development, design and application of artificial intelligence.
This publication analyses the challenges arising from AI systems and possible regulatory responses.
Report reviews the implementation of some of the specification clauses of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) by the EU Member States.
This guidance is produced by the Surveillance Camera Commissioner (the SCC) to assist police forces in England and Wales to comply with their statutory obligations arising from Section 33 Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) and the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (SC Code)
This report provides an in-depth overview of the social, political and economic urgency in identifying what we call the ‘new surveillance workplace’.
This report highlights a complex situation in which some forms of data localisation are seen as useful and largely uncontroversial, while others as a significant barrier to the digital economy.
The Fundamentals have been drawn up by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) to drive improvements in standards of data processing. They introduce child-specific data protection interpretative principles and recommended measures that will enhance the level of protection afforded to children against the data processing risks posed to them by their use of/ access to services in both an online and offline world.
This document is intended to complement the Guidelines WP 250 and it reflects the common experiences of the Supervisory Authorities of the EEA since the GDPR became applicable.
With this report ENISA aims to support EU countries with their transposition of new European Electronic Communication Code (EECC).
This document seeks to provide thorough analysis and guidance of the criteria to apply restrictions under Article 23 GDPR.