EU ‘seeking to turn migrant database into mass surveillance tool’
Campaigners from 31 NGOs urge MEPs to rethink plans to overhaul Eurodac database.
Campaigners from 31 NGOs urge MEPs to rethink plans to overhaul Eurodac database.
ProtonMail has been facing criticism after a police report showed that French authorities managed to obtain the IP address of a French activist who was using it.
Turkey joined a host of other countries in fining Facebook’s ubiquitous WhatsApp messaging service for failing to sufficiently protect user data.
Ohio recently became the latest state to consider enacting comprehensive privacy legislation.
Digital ID systems are a powerful development tool, providing a legal identity to millions, but their misuse can be deadly.
The €225 million WhatsAapp fine represents a significant increase from the initial €30m-€50m proposed by the DPC.
The UK’s data protection chief has come out in favor of a browser- and/or device-level setting to allow Internet users to set “lasting” cookie preferences.
Fines issued by the ICO in FY 2020/21 reached a record £42m, a 1580% increase on the previous year.
Company says it is taking time to ‘collect input and make improvements’ after backlash from privacy groups.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report on Aug. 24, 2021, detailing current and planned use of facial recognition technology.
GoDaddy gave website “24 hours to move to a different provider.”
Messaging app calls €225m fine for breaking data protection rules ‘entirely disproportionate’.