EU and UK discuss state of play for UK adequacy, data transfers
Bruno Gencarelli of European Commission indicated the process for UK adequacy is moving forward at this very moment. “Our intention is to launch the decision in the coming weeks,” Gencarelli said, though, he pointed out the decision “is not completely in our hands.”
As part of the proceedings, the commission will share the draft decisions (one for the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the other for the Law Enforcement Directive) with the European Data Protection Board — the group of 27 EU data protection authorities. Once the EDPB issues its opinion, it then goes through the EU’s comitology procedure. Gencarelli explained this means the draft decision would go to representatives from the 27 member state governments for majority approval. Finally, an approved decision would then go to the College of Commissioners of the European Commission.
Source: Government leaders discuss state of play for UK adequacy, data transfers