The report took a broader look into data protection engineering to support practical implementation of technical aspects of data protection by design and by default.
Understanding the Data Flows and Privacy Risks of Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Assessing the ethical aspects of biometric recognition and behavioural detection techniques with a focus on their current and future use in public spaces.
The Paper identifies the challenges faced by the One-Stop-Shop (“OSS”), and proposes possible solutions to improve the OSS mechanism.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the national Member States’ laws that have implemented the GDPR in the field of automated decision-making.
The book explores practical implementation of consent mechanisms as they create benchmarks, best practices, and effective mechanisms in the digital arena.
The Paper explains the growing importance of the legitimate interests legal basis for organizations, whether for routine or more complex and innovative data processing activities.
In this article Kirk Nahra discusses the history of privacy law, the current privacy structure, and what to expect for the future.
The European Data Protection Supervisor’s Opinion 11/2021 on the Proposal for a Directive on consumer credits.
This paper outlines the spectrum of AI technology, from rules-based and symbolic AI to advanced, developing forms of neural networks.
The Future of Privacy Forum has conducted a new analysis that resulted in this Report presenting an overview of the regulatory strategies of DPAs for 2021-2022.