WhatsApp boss decries attacks on encryption as Orwellian
Will Cathcart likens governments’ stance to insisting a 1984 telescreen be installed in every living room.
Will Cathcart likens governments’ stance to insisting a 1984 telescreen be installed in every living room.
Market competition regulators from Britain and the European Union (EU) have launched investigations into Facebook’s use of data.
The Court of Appeal’s conclusion that the ‘Immigration Exemption’ in Schedule 2 to the DPA 2018 is not compliant with the GDPR creates two data protection headaches for Government.
Europe’s top human rights court ruled that British mass surveillance and intelligence-gathering practices breached human rights laws.
Appeal court ruling means people denied settled status or immigration visas can see records used in the case.
The landmark decision, while powerful in declaring that UK mass interception powers are unlawful, imprudently bought into spy agency propaganda that suspicionless interception powers must be granted to ensure national security.
Queueing at passport controls could become a thing of the past under plans for fully automated border checks.
Framework is created to improve the general literacy of automated or algorithmic decision-making with clear information and practical steps for civil servants and ministers to support the agenda and provide appropriate challenge.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published a joint statement, stating they have complementary agendas.
The European Commission should amend its draft decision on UK data protection to bring it in line with EU court rulings and the opinions of the EU privacy supervisor.
Cross-party group of MPs says government is influencing the appointment of a new information commissioner by explicitly seeking a candidate who will support its policy agenda, rather than regulate independently.
Legal action against Google over claims it secretly tracked millions of iPhone users’ would “open the floodgates” to mass data protection claims.