UK’s ICO calls for browser-level controls to fix ‘cookie fatigue’
The UK’s data protection chief has come out in favor of a browser- and/or device-level setting to allow Internet users to set “lasting” cookie preferences.
The UK’s data protection chief has come out in favor of a browser- and/or device-level setting to allow Internet users to set “lasting” cookie preferences.
Fines issued by the ICO in FY 2020/21 reached a record £42m, a 1580% increase on the previous year.
Government proposals to liberalise the UK’s data protection regime in support of increased innovation, research and economic growth have prompted discussion among data privacy and infosec experts.
Campaigners say councils are using Ripa powers to catch ‘low-level’ offenders and disregarding the public’s right to privacy.
The online abuse the England football team received after the Euro 2020 final has pushed people towards drastic measures to stop it happening again: giving social media companies their legal identification.
The OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP) held a special meeting on June 8 to consider a second update on the work of an informal drafting group on government access to personal data held by the private sector.
The concern arises because the CCTV images were covertly taken from inside Mr. Hancock’s Ministerial Office and disclosed, without authority, to The Sun newspaper.
British Airways has settled a case brought by customers and staff affected by a massive 2018 data breach that led to personal information being leaked.
After a probe began in January, the tech giant is addressing concerns about third-party cookie removal in Chrome.
The U.K.’s digital businesses can breathe a sigh of relief today as the European Commission has officially signed off on data adequacy for the (now) third country, post-Brexit.
A UK government taskforce chaired by Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, has published a wish list of regulatory proposals it wants to see adopted by a post-Brexit administration.
After a probe began in January, the tech giant is addressing concerns about third-party cookie removal in Chrome.