Data Protection Bill: Consultation to delay UK GDPR replacement
The Data Protection Bill, the UK’s post-Brexit replacement for EU GDPR data laws, faces further delays as a new consultation is planned.
The Data Protection Bill, the UK’s post-Brexit replacement for EU GDPR data laws, faces further delays as a new consultation is planned.
The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced a fine in a case that involved inferring health data and using this for marketing.
The Executive Order of the US President is not enough, say members of the European Parliament.
EU lawmakers held first political debate on the AI Act as the discussion moved to more sensitive topics like the highly debated issue of biometric recognition.
On September 28, 2022, the European Commission published its long-promised proposal for an AI Liability Directive.
Agreement between the U.S. Government and the UK Government on Access to Electronic Data for the Purpose of Countering Serious Crime entered force
Biden’s new Executive Order seems to fail on requirements established by the European Court of Justice’s (CJEU).
The European Commission has managed to postpone discussions on the Council of Europe’s treaty on Artificial Intelligence.
The UK government has paused a data reform bill while ministers take a fresh look at how to replace the EU GDPR.
The order is designed to address European concerns over surveillance practices in the US.
The new regulation retroactively legalizes activity previously ruled unlawful, which could ‘establish a worrying precedent,’ complaint says.
The Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU) ruled Tuesday that data retention in Germany is not compatible with EU law.