“Black box” Amazon: algorithm discriminates customers
Another complaint against Amazon Europe: a customer made an access request to find out why he was denied certain payment options; he did not receive a reply.
Another complaint against Amazon Europe: a customer made an access request to find out why he was denied certain payment options; he did not receive a reply.
A draft decision from Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner endorsing Facebook’s legal basis for processing personal data has been met with criticism by a data protection activist who says the platform is trying to bypass EU privacy laws.
During its latest plenary, the EDPB decided to set up a taskforce to coordinate the response to complaints concerning cookie banners.
Online privacy campaigners have filed hundreds of complaints against websites and platforms in Europe over violations of rules on tracking cookies.
Online privacy activists are challenging websites that don’t offer a simple “yes or no” choice on allowing “cookies,” trying to encourage users to agree to their activity being tracked.
Google continues to send data from EU websites to the US – despite two Court of Justice rulings.
noyb filed an appeal against decisions of the Luxemburg Data Protection Authority (CNPD) for dismissing complaints against US-based companies.
In Belgium a tangible risk now exists for collective redress actions as Belgian law contains a comprehensive – and from a European perspective – unique class action scheme in its Code of Economic Law.
On October 29, 2020, the non-governmental organization co-founded by privacy activist Max Schrems, None of Your Business (NOYB), announced it […]
Max Schrems, head of None Of Your Business (noyb), has announced the not-for-profit organisation is to file a complaint to […]
European privacy campaigner Max Schrems has filed a fresh batch of strategic complaints at tech giants, including Amazon, Apple, Netflix, […]