The Netherlands publishes non-paper on upcoming Data Act
The Hague considers it an urgent need to ensure that individuals and smaller companies have access to and can capitalise on their data.
The Hague considers it an urgent need to ensure that individuals and smaller companies have access to and can capitalise on their data.
A ruling by a Dutch court in 2020 struck down the state’s digital welfare fraud detection system because it lacked protections to individual privacy.
‘Google has agreed to become more transparent’ – over optimistic?
Dutch DPA imposed a €725,000 fine on TikTok for violating the privacy of young children namely for the company’s alleged lack of transparency.
The Netherlands is to make ‘doxing’ – sharing personal details such as addresses and telephone numbers on the internet without permission – a criminal offence.
Internet company Ziggo does not have to hand over the details of people who ‘illegally downloaded’ a film, according to a Supreme Court ruling.
Privacy litigation that’s being brought against Facebook by two not-for-profits in the Netherlands can go ahead, an Amsterdam court has ruled. The case will be heard in October.
The two organisations are claiming €1.5bn from TikTok’s parent company ByteDance, for illegally collecting and trading in the children’s private information.
A group of parents in the Netherlands is taking TikTok to court, claiming the social media platform does not do enough to protect the privacy and safety of their children.
For 13% of homeworkers, the employer uses software to monitor whether they are at work.
The Dutch privacy watchdog has fined Enschede local council for tracking its residents using their mobile phones
Ruling in Amsterdam overturns company’s decision to exclude operators for alleged sharing of account details.
Uber has been ordered to reinstate five British drivers who were struck off from its ride-hailing app by robot technology.