Washington says a transatlantic data deal is close. Brussels disagrees.
The EU and the US have been working on a deal since July last year.
The EU and the US have been working on a deal since July last year.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Wednesday (15 September) a Cyber Resilience Act aimed at setting common cybersecurity standards for connected devices.
Irish regulator has not resolved 98% of 164 significant data protection complaints.
Since 2020 there has been noted an impressive rise in the amounts of GDPR fines.
Campaigners from 31 NGOs urge MEPs to rethink plans to overhaul Eurodac database.
Collection of articles, documents and research on data privacy and cyber-security that caught my eye.
The €225 million WhatsAapp fine represents a significant increase from the initial €30m-€50m proposed by the DPC.
Messaging app calls €225m fine for breaking data protection rules ‘entirely disproportionate’.
The Take Back Your Privacy Foundation (TBYP) and the Consumers’ Association are suing the company behind the popular app TikTok for violating the privacy and consumer rights of children.
The number of financial penalties for GDPR violations has increased by 113% over the past 12 months, according to the latest data from Finbold.
As the invalidation of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield continues to cast uncertainty over data flows, the need for federal privacy legislation looms larger than ever.
Online privacy campaigners have filed hundreds of complaints against websites and platforms in Europe over violations of rules on tracking cookies.