EDPB adopts first opinion on certification criteria
The EDPB adopted its opinion on the GDPR-CARPA certification scheme submitted to the Board by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority.
The EDPB adopted its opinion on the GDPR-CARPA certification scheme submitted to the Board by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority.
The Irish Data Protection Authority pushed for a liberal interpretation of data protection law that would favour social media companies.
EDPB released draft guidelines on the interplay betweenGDPR Article 3 (territorial scope) and the Chapter V (restrictions on international data transfers).
A draft decision from Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner endorsing Facebook’s legal basis for processing personal data has been met with criticism by a data protection activist who says the platform is trying to bypass EU privacy laws.
During its latest plenary, the EDPB decided to set up a taskforce to coordinate the response to complaints concerning cookie banners.
European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published draft guidelines on codes of conduct for personal data transfers for consultation.
The EDPB adopted its first urgent binding decision pursuant to Art. 66(2) GDPR.
There have been further calls from EU institutions to outlaw biometric surveillance in public.
The EU Cloud Code of Conduct, which aims to help IT buyers source GDPR-compliant cloud services, has found favour with the European Data Protection Board.
The European Commission should amend its draft decision on UK data protection to bring it in line with EU court rulings and the opinions of the EU privacy supervisor.
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted a joint opinion on the Proposals for a Digital Green Certificate.
On March 12, 2021, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published its Guidelines 01/2021 on Virtual Voice Assistants (VVA) for consultation.