Facebook and Instagram to restrict advertisers’ access to teenagers’ data
From February advertisers will no longer be able to see young users’ gender or type of posts they have engaged with.
From February advertisers will no longer be able to see young users’ gender or type of posts they have engaged with.
Short-term accommodation services company Airbnb must provide information in rental contracts to tax authorities and withhold tax under a national regime.
Pitches storage, cloudy software compliance to twitchy EU customers thinking about GDPR.
The UK Online Safety Bill is a deeply flawed censorship proposal that would allow UK residents to be thrown in jail for what they say online.
The Slovenian DPA confirmed that providing safety of property can be in a legitimate interest of the data controller, but but must be appropriate and necessary.
Under the proposed rules, Airbnb and its peers will have to share data about the number of guests and rented nights with public authorities.
Russia had the most breaches overall and France had the highest breach density.
TikTok for the first time in its privacy policy for the first time names China as one of several third countries where user data can be remotely accessed from.
French data protection authority CNIL imposed a penalty of 20 million euros and ordered Clearview AI to stop collecting and using data on individuals in France.
A man launched proceedings over the Data Protection Commission’s failure to investigate the Church’s refusal to destroy records it has about him.
6 public figures suing the publisher of the Daily Mail over alleged unlawful information-gathering at its titles.
Agreement between the U.S. Government and the UK Government on Access to Electronic Data for the Purpose of Countering Serious Crime entered force