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Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) Case Studies 2018-2023

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) of Ireland has released a comprehensive publication featuring case studies that highlight their work in safeguarding individuals’ data privacy rights. This publication aims to provide valuable insights into various real-life scenarios where the DPC has taken action to promote compliance with data protection laws.

The case studies included in this publication showcase the DPC’s efforts in investigating and resolving data protection issues across various sectors and industries. Each case study provides a detailed overview of the complaint or investigation, the legal framework involved, the findings, and the actions taken by the DPC to address any breaches or non-compliance.

By sharing these case studies, the DPC aims to raise awareness about individuals’ rights regarding their personal data and educate organizations on their responsibilities in protecting that data. The publication serves as a valuable resource for both individuals and businesses seeking to understand the practical implications of data protection regulations and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

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