Law enforcement wiretapped the very service used by criminals to evade interception
The virtual private network (VPN) Safe-Inet used by the world’s foremost cybercriminals has been taken down in a coordinated law enforcement action
The virtual private network (VPN) Safe-Inet used by the world’s foremost cybercriminals has been taken down in a coordinated law enforcement action
Belgian Data Protection Authority’s agreement with DNS Belgium will allow to suspend “.be” websites that are linked to infringements of the GDPR.
As the use of geofence warrants has grown, so have controversies surrounding them. Defense attorneys argue they’re unconstitutional, and prosecutors […]
The European Data Protection Board has issued guidance on its Coordinated Enforcement Framework (CEF). The CEF provides a structure for […]
A new report by European consumer protection umbrella group Beuc, reflecting on the barriers to effective cross-border enforcement of the […]
SOMI, a Dutch privacy group, is calling for a large-scale investigation into the partnerships that data analytics company Palantir Technologies […]
The IRS was able to query a database of location data quietly harvested from ordinary smartphone apps over 10,000 times, […]
The Los Angeles Police Department has banned the use of commercial facial recognition systems. The LAPD, the third-largest police department […]
Microsoft has vowed to challenge all requests that any government or security agency makes to access its customers’ data, and […]
The NYPD has used tens of thousands of questionable subpoenas over the last decade to intimidate private companies into handing […]
A handful of police departments across the US are using software that lets them register the locations of people’s home […]
The police department in Jackson, Mississippi is partnering with two companies to stream surveillance footage from Ring cameras in a […]