Insights into the Future of Data Protection Enforcement
The FPF released a report “Insights into the future of data protection enforcement: Regulatory strategies of European Data Protection Authorities for 2021-2022”
The FPF released a report “Insights into the future of data protection enforcement: Regulatory strategies of European Data Protection Authorities for 2021-2022”
Lithuanian DPA fined sports club 20.000€ for improper use of fingerprints for identification.
The Commission sent formal notice to Belgium for violating Article 52 of the GDPR, which states that the DPA shall be independent.
The case probably would have remained a mystery if Jared T. Vaughn had not voluntarily provided a sample of his DNA to a public genealogy database, according to police.
Several German Data Protection Authorities commence independent investigation of cross border transfers of personal data in violation of Schrems II.
Market competition regulators from Britain and the European Union (EU) have launched investigations into Facebook’s use of data.
Germany’s antitrust watchdog has launched a probe into whether Google Germany, Google Ireland and its parent company Alphabet are exploiting their market dominance in the way they handle data.
The action grew out of a leak investigation surrounding reporting on Russia’s role in the 2016 election.
The U.S. Department of Education opened an investigation into the data-sharing practices between Florida’s Pasco County sheriff’s office and school district.
Urgency proceedings opened against Facebook in connection with the new WhatsApp Terms of Use.
The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) is probing whether any of the data records of 533 million Facebook users published over the weekend were leaked after the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).